Friday, March 23, 2007

T.O.Y. - do dreams bleed (fictional-remix)
Schiller Mit Heppner - Dream Of You (Langspiel-Fassung)

Monday, March 12, 2007

never existed vs. ever forgotten:
ьгышч (ygee-shech), - it's almost like ыш-тан (ee'sh-taan)
тумук (toomuck) = never

Technoir - Liar (Rotersand Remix)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

вижу на дороге - птенчики стервятника... и мамаша иховая, - то-ли птица, то-ли кошка... несу их в руках и думаю, - а может они с моим котом подружатся

Having a sudden view in the road dust - two nestling of the vulture... and mother of those, - seems like kitty or maybe like a birdy... I'm handling them and thinking, - maybe they'll make a good friend with my cat?!!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Nevarakka - Baby Let Me Know