Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Monday, March 29, 2004 - "london-town bbc..."

- penetration

Sunday, March 28, 2004

The Bible in MP3 Audio Format - huh?

Friday, March 26, 2004

mood: geeky
quiz for semantically challenged - wtf!? favicon.ico and robots.txt
here is an excerpt from the Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music:
"... And then eventually someone comes across the not-so-brilliant realization that if you pretty much loop anything, like a car door slamming or a dog barking (these are actual tracks), it becomes music. Well, duh. But then why go on to say that you are embarking on something progressive and forward-thinking simply because no one else on the planet sees the inherent musicality in scratching tree bark or distorted club soda fizz. ... Experimental Techno is really a hit-n-miss genre. Mostly it's miss. Like peeing into a test tube. Every track that has a stroke of brilliance hardly makes up for the hours and hours of sludge that these producers churn out on a daily basis." (emphasis is bigor's)

interesting thought... music composition become trial and error experience... kinda like food discovery, huh?!

everybody can recognize food, - more or less. but imagine you are in the tribe on the... um, mars or something, - you gotta try and error everything around in order to just find something eadible, first - survive and the everything else. i wonderwhat if music also releases or supress some energies in a human body. than it's some kinda *food* for a nervous system. now we've got technology to produce that too... here we go, - junk music is cheap and make you sick... :)

Thursday, March 25, 2004

- don't let me

More Machine than Man
- F.A.N. (Girls Under Glass Guitar Mix)

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

LiTraCon - Light Transmitting Concrete

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

- music from the end of world

- sag es jetzt

massiv in mensch
- offensivschock

beborn beton
- the colour of love

Sunday, March 21, 2004

play a BloodyHell

Saturday, March 20, 2004

negative format
- static

lights of euphoria
- true life (assemblage 23 remix)

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Clan Of Xymox
- Innocent: Defiled Remix By Assemblage 23

Funker Vogt
- Red Queen (White Rabit Remix)


tactical sekt
- uncivil liberties

- nature's kingdom

- flesh menagerie

Saturday, March 13, 2004

in strict confidence
- kiss your shadow
assemblage 23
- dissapoint (funker vogt remix)
The Grand Challenge Weblog - follow the 15 robots rolling through Mojave desert...

epsilon minus
- a dark background

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

are the arguments about meaning of words the curse of humankind?
relationships advice from - learn something about men in general, and maybe about yourself too...

also thanks to eurotrash for the lessons learned...

pzycho bitch
- my day
- life could

evils toy
- i want to believe

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

cut to recall
- reflecting walls

culture kultьr
- forever (eternal mix by god module)
Official Web Site of the Russian Consulate in the USA Visas Legalization Authenication Adoption Translation Business
read the text - Consulate General of the Russian Federation in New York reserves all rights to develop and maintain this Web Site. - what's up with that???

colony 5
- accelerate

imperative reaction
- never tomorrow

Saturday, March 06, 2004

- livesaver
- all that matters