Thursday, July 31, 2003

waaaaazzup! neah, just reading...

5:10PM PST - some politics again...

Norm Coleman (R-MN): "Law of unintended consequences" may be needlessly threatening American citizens. [via blogcritics a post by Michelle Dittrich]

5:03PM PST - i've thought that i've been doing something useful ;)...

Procrastinology or Procrastiscience. Does a study of procrastination considered as utilization time?
Procrastination 101, Structured Procrastination, Procrastometer via Antony J Hicks's weblog

2:30PM PST - little break to continue my reading...

Bitstream Vera (it's a font) will be released for use under a special open license agreement, giving advanced font capabilities to all free and open source software developers and users. Here is something that's wierd - I've that font installed sometime ago and I still have it. Why the text refers to the future release?

J2EE or not J2EE? Hamlet is a sucker...

"For vendors to legally claim that their software is J2EE compatible their products must undergo a series of tests. Sun makes money on J2EE by administering those compatibility tests and licensing the logo to vendors.

Sun has claimed that JBoss misled customers by using the J2EE brand in its marketing materials without having performed the tests. JBoss, which sells consulting services based on the freely available JBoss application server software, had complained that Sun's licensing price for the testing suites was too high. It also argued that the value of J2EE certification was on the wane."

AOL 9.0 plastic surgery, - a Desperation for Love in Autumn.
America Online ...will begin offering its next-generation online service as part of its effort to rescue itself from plummeting online advertising revenue and a corroding narrowband subscriber base.

My Source of Visual Intoxication. Indeed!...

Now Cisco have something to buy. Who is next? Belkin?
Networking-technology maker Netgear raised $98 million in an initial public offering Thursday, posting a strong debut and contributing to some signs of life in the beleaguered initial public offering (IPO) market.

Leap for Cheap?... We cannot do outsourcing, because it will make our software cheap... Atta Boy!
More U.S. jobs at American technology and services companies will flow to developing countries, as offshore outsourcing becomes an attractive financial option, according to Gartner.
A study released by the research firm on Tuesday states that one out of every 10 jobs at information technology companies and at companies that provide IT services will move to emerging markets. It also forecast that one out of every 20 jobs within internal IT departments will shift overseas by the end of 2004.

Geekery Geekery Geee... mpt (by Matthew Thomas) is an excellent blog to read (if you are in a geeky mood ;) My favorites today: Keyboard Shortcuts with a link to a hilarious article from The Onion: The Area Man Knows All The Shortcut Keys. and the post about *cruft* in permalinks That's my kinda reading today... It makes me wonder... and discover another plцgg(s).

now a little new theme for SPAM letters... (oops! correction) i meant - political news...

Get rich quick! It's a new business in United States of Iraq - a tipster.
AP News: Two of Saddam Hussein's daughters took refuge in Jordan on Thursday, while the Bush administration approved a $30 million payment to the tipster who led U.S. troops to the deposed Iraqi leader's two sons.


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