Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Job Market: Filtering the Noise.

DonXML is so right about the job market influenced by *inexperience*
"These inexperienced programmers are flooding the market with resumes, just trying to make something stick. These resumes are making it impossible to try to find the good quality programmers' resumes. To make matters worse, you can't even go thru a recruiting agency or a consulting firm, because any recruiter that was worth anything got out of that field when the jobs got scarce. So the recruiters aren't doing their jobs and just push the bad resumes along."

My experience with job market is very much confirms that: when the job market become *crowded* and very little employers were hiring, many *good* and professional recruiters change their carreers and new recruiters came to work into job agencies. And this new inexperienced crop of recruiters start to deal with a *swamp* of resumes from inexperienced job seekers.

I personally had have been interviewed for the position that was mirepresented to me by a recruiter who did not bother read beyond the skills summary and paid attention only to "keywords", - whatever they are .NET, J2EE, SQL... I'm still observing this trend and I'm still looking for a good permanent job, while doing some little (and cheap) contracts here and there.

The contract job is not a buster, due to the fact that outsourcing companies are very active in the industry. And they offer *better* (read cheaper) rates, hoping to get *the foot in the door* and than exploit the customer using it as information source. Observing few outsourcing projects I finally have consern that the final cost of project outsourcing will be comparable with projects performed locally. This is because the cheaper rate does not mean the same quality or comparable timeframe. Anyway, I've got off the subject about job market that is clogged by inexperience. So back to the point, networking is always been good: I've heard some statistics (I cannot validate it, but it seem very true) that 85% of jobs available at any moment on the market are filled by internal references, the 80% of the remaining (%15) are filled by extrenal referrals (friends, networking) and only the rest will be available to the people who are seeking employment on their own.

And Roy is giving a perfect advise to all job seekers publisize yourselves! nobody but you will do it better.


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