Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Generation-Blog: To Read or Not To Read?

Pack-rats, Book-worms, Lukers, Stalkers - How you would name Next-Gen of RSS Readers?

steveClarke.WebLog: "One of my single biggest frustrations in life is that there's not enough time on Earth to read everything I want to read, nor is there enough strength in my eyes or brain. Another problem is that I can't scan books - I'm terrified that if I skip over even a single paragraph I'll miss an important piece of info."

I had an interesting thought after reading that: Who is reading, and who is writing? Scaling of the Web caused "raise of" Google. Blog tools will eventually (if survive) simplify posting of the information on the Web. [I specifically refer "ze information" to avoid judgemental "labeling" - it is not "good" and "bad" (or "truth" vs "lie") information, - it is some form of media]. RSS reading apps are good for now, but they suffer same ol' problem of information storage - when there are "too much" stuff, one will do either of the following: clean it up by throwing "crap" away and make the rest "tidy" and "neat", start to ignore [it] rss reading as activity at all, or focus on fewer feeds and keep all the rest "just in case", avoiding organization (it also called pack-ratting). the last possibilty is to "keep" and "organize" all the stuff, which is known as book-worming...

The point is, - blog tools will scale content on the web further. Let's assume that people will continue to read it (a.k.a. "browse"). There are limited amount of time in a day... Therefore the readers need to be helped, with efficient reading toools...
2b continued...


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